Breeding product Daroca in Oldenburger Elite Auction

Coming Saturday, October 1st, the Oldenburg Elite Auction will take place in the German Vechta Oldenburg. This auction is organised twice a year to present the best Oldenburgers. One of these trophies is Daroca (Darco x Caretino), bred by Stoeterij Vissers. This beautiful stallion will appear in the auction ring coming Saturday.

The Oldenburg Elite Auction is a well-known sporthorse auction. The auction takes place every year in April and October. Only the most talented and horses of highest quality are offered for bidding. This includes Daroca. Daroca is now owned by Jobst Hartmann from Hodorf and will change owners during the auction on Saturday.

If you are interested in the stallion it is also possible to try Daroca and admire him during his daily workout. For more information, visit the website.

Click here to view Daroca on the Oldenburger Elite Auction website.


Video van Daroca: